This takedown policy covers Intellectual Property Rights and Data Protection Rights.
Intellectual Property Rights
Our academic research project is non-commercial. Our webpages include presentations done by researchers from different organisations and countries. We believe the use is fair for criticism and review, and sufficient acknowledgement has been done. If you believe the contrary, please follow the takedown request instructions below.
Data Protection Rights
We have made all reasonable efforts to ensure that consent from those whose personal data may be featured on our webpages has been obtained in compliance with the UK’s data protection legislation, namely the UK GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the Data Protection Act 2018.
If you believe that your data privacy rights are infringed, you may request that the content is taken down from our website. You may also request that material about you is taken down from our website by invoking your “right to be forgotten”.
Takedown request
Your takedown request must be in writing and include the following information:
- Your name, email address and phone number
- The website URL where you found the content (please provide the specific link to the content in question)
- A description that clearly identifies the content in question
- The nature of your request regarding this content
- A copy of your proof of ID
Send your request and ID to
Your request will be acknowledged within 14 working days of receipt. Upon receipt of your request, we will validate both your request and your ID to check that we have all the information we need.
After validation, we will immediately take down the content from our website while we investigate the matter further.
During our investigation, we will look into your takedown request and reach a decision about whether the content should remain on our website. If we agree, and approve your request, we will confirm the removal of the data from our website. If your request is denied, we will reinstate the content on our website. In both instances, we will record our decision and advise you of the outcome.
The information you provide in your written request will be used only in connection with this enquiry.