
Over the past year, the LUSTRE project has delivered:

_cross-sector network on born-digital archives, connecting government professionals with academics and GLAM professionals.

_4 lunchtime talks:

– Click here to read Giovanni Colavizza’s presentation on Towards AI-supported records management;

– Click here to watch Mhairi Aitken’s talk on Establishing a Social Licence for AI;

– Click here to watch Rob Bath’s talk on AI for Information Governance in Microsoft365;

– Click here to watch Professor Helen McCarthy’s talk on Exploring the Digital Record of Everyday Life in Covid-era Britain.

_4 workshops:

– Click here to watch the recordings of LUSTRE Workshop 1 – AI and born-digital archives: Challenges and opportunities

– Click here to watch the recordings of LUSTRE Workshop 2 – AI and Born-Digital Archives in the Government Sector and Beyond: Challenges and Opportunities.

– Click here to read the report on the first two LUSTRE workshops

– Click here for the programme and abstracts of LUSTRE Workshop 3 – AI, Archives and Public Sector Recordkeeping.

– Click here for the programme and abstracts of LUSTRE Workshop 4 – The Future of AI to Unlock Digital Records.

– Click here to read the report on LUSTRE Workshop 4 – The Future of AI to Unlock Digital Records.

_ An online survey and 50 semi-structured interviews.

The LUSTRE project will deliver:

_open-access report and journal special issue in AI & Society (see Call for Papers HERE)


See our publications here