
Two alternative pathways for the application of AI for recordkeeping purposes in live systems

Speaker: James Lappin

Abstract: Originating organisations have digital material at all stages of the records lifecycle: in live systems, in legacy systems, and awaiting appraisal for possible transfer to a historical archive.  Organisations will need help from AI at each stage, but they will face different challenges at each stages in developing AI models; in deploying AI models; and/or in basing decisions and actions on AI models. 

This talk will look at the application of AI models in live systems such as the Microsoft 365 cloud suite, where end-users are working and adding content into a wide variety of aggregations (email accounts, SharePoint sites, OneDrive accounts, Teams, Chat accounts etc.).  It will look at the special challenges and opportunities the deployment of AI in live systems poses. 

Two alternative pathways for the application of AI models in live systems will be compared and contrasted:

  • One pathway uses the existing way that content is aggregated as its starting point, working within existing aggregations to make them more precise, useful and manageable; 
  • The other pathway works across the entirety of an organisation’s ‘digital heap’ (or over the entirety of the organisations M365 implementation) to identify and label important content.

The talk uses both recordkeeping theory, and experience with digital records over the past thirty years, to arrive at some predictions as to which of the two pathway is likely to provide the safer and more predictable route to using AI to achieve improvements in recordkeeping .

Speaker Bio
: James Lappin has worked in the field of archives and records management for thirty years as a practitioner, consultant, researcher, policy advisor, presenter, blogger, podcaster and cartoonist.